Thursday, August 30, 2012

It is back... for now...

So maybe this is the resurrection of the ol blog or maybe its just a blip.... I just spent the last 30-45 minutes re-reading my old blog posts on here and on my old blog over here .  I am not sure I was in the greatest of moods sometimes when I wrote those.  However, it did make me laugh and cry and sniffle some of the time....

Quick round up of the last 5 years?  Sure:  I left tv, went to Kent State University, then went to Ohio University for grad school, got a 2 year internship at a school district as an SLP.  Throw in a marriage and 3 moves, buying a house, and changing of a car (went from a silver KIA to a black KIA, I am dangerous) and that is my last 5 years in a nut shell...

Where will this blog go from here?  Well maybe it will be humorous?  Maybe it will just be me venting... I can promise that there is not as much bad energy in me as there was when I lived in NY.  I hope my sarcasm and humor has carried over but no promises going forward...

Hope all is well out there in the Internets!